Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Catch Up ~ Lilly's birth!

**Well it's been a long time and I'm hoping that summer break will allow me to catch up and continue to blog about our growing family!**

At last blog, we were one week out from meeting Baby VerSchave! The following day (Wednesday, the 21st) began my maternity leave and I was so excited! Mike was still hoping that baby would wait until after Thanksgiving to make his/her appearance and lucky for him, baby listened.  We had our typical Thanksgiving ~ family football game in the morning, eating and caroling in the afternoon/evening.  I was getting pretty anxious to meet baby so I "played" in the football game.  And by that I mean I waddled across the "field" once or twice, while holding my belly! Quite a sight!  Black Friday came and I declared "Operation Get Baby Out" was in full force.  Becky and I did our shopping {we go at decent hours, not the early birds} and I hung out at home for the rest of the day.

Then came Saturday, the 24th...

I woke up with some back pain {not too out of the ordinary} and a little cramping.  I was laying on the couch when Chris called to see how I was doing.  I mentioned the back pain and cramping and she flipped out saying "You're in labor!! Go to the hospital!!" Mike and I had previously discussed waiting until I was positive I would be admitted because I was determined to not be sent home! Chris had originally called to see if I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby ~ why not? I could use some more walking and I would be home bored anyway {Mike was at hockey all day}so off I went.  We went looking for a ridiculously large Christmas tree for Chris's house ~ I was a little uncomfortable at times but I was used to that, being 39 weeks pregnant.  And I may have been in denial that I was in the early stages of labor.

After shopping, I went home and laid on the couch.  My mom came to visit and as we were chatting, she'd notice a change in my face from time to time and asked about it.  I mentioned the cramps and she informed me that those were, in fact, contractions! She grabbed paper to start timing them ~ they were 10 minutes apart so we had time.  When Mike called to check in, I informed him of the contractions just to give a heads up.  Later in the evening, he gets home, Becky came to hang out, and I peed my pants.  Literally.  Thanks to Becky making me laugh super hard, I couldn't waddle to the bathroom fast enough and I peed my pants! Mike kept yelling "Don't make her laugh!! The baby will come out!!" Which in turn, made me laugh even harder! All night, I was using my phone to record contractions and they were getting closer and a bit more uncomfortable ~ I'd stop what I was doing, breathe through them, and sometimes hunch over.

At about 10 PM, I told Mike I was going to lay down and try to get some sleep.  That lasted until midnight when I told Mike it was time to go to the hospital.  He started racing around and I gradually gathered the last few items for our bags and we said goodbye to Wrigley before heading out.  As soon as we got in the car, I started to cry, telling Mike that the next time we were home, we'd have a baby!  I texted/called my parents and Becky and we drove to the hospital. I was doing alright with the contractions.  Unfortunately, due to the time of day, we had to go through the emergency room door.  I had told Mike I didn't want him to drop me and then park the car ~ I wanted to go with him.  So we parked and walked across the street to the emergency room.  I did have to stop in the middle of the street to wait out a contraction, but luckily, it was an empty side street.  We get in, I tell them I'm in labor and I immediately get a wheelchair.  It took a couple minutes for someone to bring us up to labor and delivery but it was no big deal ~ I was just thinking "I can't believe this is happening!"

We get up to labor and delivery and they check me ~ 2 cm dilated.  They told me to walk around and they'd check on me again in an hour.  So Mike and I walked the hallways, stopping for contractions, and breathing away.  I went back to the room because I was d-o-n-e with walking and waited to get checked again.  Whenever a nurse was in the room, I was calmly breathing through the contractions.  Whenever the nurse left, I was punching the bed through the contractions. Ha!  After an hour, they checked and I was 4 cm ~ time to get fully admitted! Woo Hoo!

We got to our room about 4 AM and I was asked about an epidural ~ oh yes!  The anesthesiologist came in and she was not my most favorite person.  She was rather slow and I was hunched over, breathing through contractions, not moving, and shivering at the same time.  She was having difficulty and even asked if I had scoliosis ?!?! I was worried I wasn't going to be able to get the epidural.  Luckily, another anesthesiologist came and got me hooked up super quick.  They gave me the button thingy to get more if the pain was too much and Mike and I decided to try and get a little sleep.  About two hours later, I woke up feeling super uncomfortable.  I mentioned to the nurse and she said to hit my button ~ which I had been doing but I did it again. She commented that she didn't hear the beep and I said "It's never beeped."  Yeah, that's because they didn't plug it in! So I was pressing the button over and over and it wasn't even hooked up!  Grrr...I thought Mike was going to punch someone!  By this time, the shifts had switched so the new anesthesiologist came and fixed it all ~ my savior!

Mike and I spent the next few hours hanging out, watching the Bears game, and trying to get little naps in. Later, my parents, Becky, Mike's mom and sister came up to visit and wait it out...they had no idea how long they'd be waiting!  My doctor wasn't around so I had the on call doctor, who was very nice.  He came and checked on me, and went to wait until it was time.  My water hadn't broke, so he broke it to speed things up a bit. It was about 3 PM and it was time to push.  The nurse was wonderful and Mike blew me away ~ he was so great, watching the monitor, holding my leg, counting, etc.  I pushed and pushed and pushed...for FOUR hours! The nurse had made a comment about hoping to meet the baby before her shift ended and I thought "Of course! That's not until 7!" Well I was's head would make a little appearance but it was not coming through!  At this time, I had yet another doctor {equally as nice as the first and I didn't care, I wanted baby out!} and the new nurse was the same one that had admitted me the night before! I was staying strong until the last half hour or so and I was just utterly exhausted ~ I shed a few tears but kept on pushing through.  At about 7:15, the doctor said that this was becoming a stressful situation for me and baby so he'd give me about 15 more minutes and then we'd have to look at other options ~ to which I had a mini panic attack with fear of a C-section.  He explained it would be a semi-forceps delivery {hand and forceps to help take the baby out.}  At 7:35ish, he came back, everyone got situated and he talked an intern into the delivery...Lillian Maureen VerSchave was born at 7:44 PM, weighing 8 pounds even and measuring 21 inches long on Sunday, November 25, 2012.

After she was born, she let out a short yell/cry and then she was completely alert!  They didn't announce the sex, so I was asking Mike "BOY OR GIRL?!?! BOY OR GIRL?!?!" Mike said "Uhhhhh....GIRL!!" I asked him later if he was confused ~ he blamed the umbilical cord and all the goo for making him have to look a little harder!  Then as they were cleaning her off and Mike was taking pictures, I was asking "Does she look like a Lillian!?!?" because we had back up names, just in case!  Mike said she did and then he went out to share the good news.  I got to cuddle my little lovebug as I got stitched up and then the grandparents and aunts could meet Lilly.

About an hour later, we were into our new room, relaxing as a new family of three and in absolute love with our new little bundle!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Letter to baby #3

I know I have some weekly updates to catch up on but that will happen later...

Dear baby,

   You are due to arrive in ONE week!!  I am so excited and ready to meet you ~ you can even come early if you want to!  Over the last few weeks, Daddy and I have been very busy making sure everything is ready for your big arrival.  Your nursery is all set and I am IN LOVE with it.  I usually go in there once a day, especially at night, to sit in the glider and read to you or listen to music with you.  It's so peaceful and calming and I cannot wait for you to enjoy it too.  We've got bags packed, car seat installed, and all your clothes washed.  Now we just need YOU!

   My dear baby, these last 39 weeks have been the most amazing time of my life.  I've loved every minute of growing you and taking care of you inside of me.  You've been pretty easy on me and I'm so very grateful for that :)  Let's keep it going once you're in my arms too, okay?!  I hope you know how very special you are to me and how much I love you already.  I know that once you are in my arms, that love will grow leaps and bounds.

   You were so helpful waiting to arrive until after Uncle Tom's wedding in Thailand.  Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Becky got back home yesterday,so...let's meet in person now!  Daddy and I are ready and so are a lot of aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends!

I love you baby and cannot wait to meet you!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Week Thirty-Six

Week Thirty-Six

Due Date: November 27, 2012

How Big is Baby: He/she is the size of a crenshaw melon

Total weight gain:  +22 pounds (according to my 35 week dr. appt ~ my 36 week appt isn't until Friday)

Morning Sickness: None! 

Cravings: Water and chocolate

Sleep: Same as before ~ getting a little rougher between bathroom breaks and trying to roll over ~ this  big belly is tricky to move comfortably.

I can't live without: Sleep and relaxation

I miss: Same stuff: sleeping on my belly, comfortably bending over while sitting, and I could kinda go for an adult beverage! 

I am looking forward to: Our final ultrasound on Friday!! Can't believe this will be the last time we see baby until he/she is in our arms!!

Milestones: Baby's considered full term at the end of this week!

Movement: Still lots of movement, but since there is limited space, baby isn't doing somersaults as much, but more jabs and kicks.

Gender: Still thinking a boy, but we'll be surprised! 

Labor Signs: Just some Braxton Hicks but nothing too serious.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Week Thirty-Five

Week Thirty-Five

Due Date: November 27, 2012

How Big is Baby: He/she is the size of a honeydew melon

Total weight gain:  +22 pounds (according to my 35 week dr. appt)

Morning Sickness: None! 

Cravings: Nothing major

Sleep: Same as before ~ getting a little rougher between bathroom breaks and trying to roll over ~ this  big belly is tricky to move comfortably.

I can't live without: Sleep and relaxation

I miss: Same stuff: sleeping on my belly, comfortably bending over while sitting, and I could kinda go for an adult beverage! 

I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery all set up this week! Thank you fall break and my mama! Final ultrasound next Friday!

Milestones: Baby's kidneys are fully developed and his/her liver can process waste. Baby had a nice, strong heartbeat of 139 beats/minute.  On Mama's side, we're onto weekly doctor's appointments!!

Movement: Still lots of movement, but since there is limited space, baby isn't doing somersaults as much, but more jabs and kicks.

Gender: Still thinking a boy, but we'll be surprised! 

Labor Signs: I think I've experienced some Braxton Hicks but nothing too serious.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Week Thirty-Four

Week Thirty-Four

Due Date: November 27, 2012

How Big is Baby: He/she is the size of a cantaloupe

Total weight gain:  +19 pounds (keeping this until my next doctor's appt)

Morning Sickness: None! 

Cravings: Nothing major more than ice cold water

Sleep: Getting a little rougher between bathroom breaks and trying to roll over ~ this  big belly is tricky to move comfortably.

I can't live without: Comfy clothes and shoes, our comfy new couch!

I miss: Same stuff: sleeping on my belly, comfortably bending over while sitting, and I could kinda go for an adult beverage! 

I am looking forward to: Baby shower!!

Milestones: Baby's fat layers are filling him/her out and lungs are maturing!

Movement: At all times of the day but baby is certainly running out of room ~ more jabs and poke outs than kicks

Gender: Still thinking a boy, but we'll be surprised! 

Labor Signs: I think I've experienced some Braxton Hicks but nothing too serious.

Not a very attractive picture that Mike took, but it will have to do!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Weekly Catch Up

Oh boy! Closing on a house and moving in sure takes up a lot of time, hence, the weekly catch up!  (Pictures will be added soon!)

Week Thirty-One

Due Date: November 27, 2012

How Big is Baby: He/she is the size of a four navel oranges

Total weight gain:  +16 pounds (keeping this until my next doctor's appt)

Morning Sickness: None! 

Cravings: Ice cold water

Sleep: All good, sleeping through the night with 1-2 bathroom breaks. 

I can't live without: Help from people (aka, family and friends with moving packing!)

I miss: Same stuff: sleeping on my belly, comfortably bending over while sitting - this belly is starting to get in the way!

I am looking forward to: Closing on our house on Friday!!!

Milestones: Baby's turning his/her head from side to side, arms, legs, and body are plumping up!

Movement: At all times of the day!

Gender: Still thinking a boy, but we'll be surprised! 

Labor Signs: It’s far too soon for this!

Week Thirty-Two

Due Date: November 27, 2012

How Big is Baby: He/she is the size of a large jicama

Total weight gain:  +19 pounds (went to the dr. today)

Morning Sickness: None! 

Cravings: Ice cold water

Sleep: All good, sleeping through the night with 1-2 bathroom breaks. 

I can't live without: Help from family & friends with our move and my student teacher ~ not sure how I can get my potty breaks in once she leaves!

I miss: Being able to help with the move ~ I hate that I just have to stand there, direct, and unpack "easy" boxes

I am looking forward to: Being in our house for good and working on the nursery!

Milestones: Baby has fingernails, toenails, and hair!  Also, he/she is gaining about a 1/2 pound a week to get ready for birth!

Movement: At all times of the day and getting more jabs and body parts sticking out!   Sometimes a little uncomfortable.

Gender: Still thinking a boy, but we'll be surprised! 

Labor Signs: It’s far too soon for this!

Week Thirty-Three

Due Date: November 27, 2012

How Big is Baby: He/she is the size of a pineapple

Total weight gain:  +19 pounds 

Morning Sickness: None! 

Cravings: Ice cold water, crackers

Sleep: All good, sleeping through the night with 1-2 bathroom breaks. 

I can't live without: Water and my student teacher still!

I miss: Sleeping on my belly, not having to go to the bathroom every twenty minutes or whenever I stand up!

I am looking forward to: Our childbirth class on Saturday!

Milestones: Baby's skeleton is hardening and he/she is quickly losing the "wrinkled, alien look."

Movement: Lots and lots!  My tummy is like a mini wave at times ~ during our move, I was on the couch and my mom, Jean, and Becky could all watch my belly just move like crazy!

Gender: Still thinking a boy, but we'll be surprised! 

Labor Signs: It’s far too soon for this!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Week Thirty ~ Ten Weeks Left!!

Week Thirty

Due Date: November 27, 2012

How Big is Baby: He/she is the size of a head of cabbage

Total weight gain:  +16 pounds (keeping this until my next doctor's appt)

Morning Sickness: None! 

Cravings: Peanut Butter M&Ms and ice cold water

Sleep: All good, sleeping through the night with 1-2 bathroom breaks. 

I can't live without: Help from people (aka, my mama with moving packing!)

I miss: Same stuff: sleeping on my belly, comfortably bending over while sitting - this belly is starting to get in the way!

I am looking forward to: Our "babymoon" trip to Michigan for a friend's wedding this weekend!

Milestones: Baby's body and brain are getting bigger daily! This week, baby's brain is starting to look like one!

Movement: At all times of the day!

Gender: Still thinking a boy, but we'll be surprised! 

Labor Signs: It’s far too soon for this!